

What is object oriented programming?


This consists of creating objects that contain data and functions. This is different from procedural programming that performs operations on data sequentially. Classes and objects are two main aspects of object oriented programming.




Class: Fruits

Objects: Apple, Mango, Cherry


Another aspect of this programming is attributes (e.g. Color and size) and methods (e.g. Break and speed) of various objects.


Create a Class


To create a class we use the keyword class.


In the following example the class keyword is used to create a class. Public is the access specifier (In detail later in this module). The variables declared within the class Num and Name_string are attributes. At last use of a semicolon is mandatory.




class Name_Class //The class
  public //Acess specifier
  int Num; //Attribute
  string Name_string; //Attribute


Create a object


An object is created from a class


The syntax includes creating an object of Name_class specify the class name, followed by the object name.


We can access the class attributes using (.) on the object




#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Name_Class //The class
  public: //Acess specifier
  int Num; //Attribute
  string Name_string; //Attribute

int main() 
  Name_Class my_Obj; // Create an object of Name_Class
  // Access attributes and set values
  my_Obj.Num = 16;
  my_Obj.Name_string = "Demo Code";

  // Print values
  cout << my_Obj.Num << "\n"; 
  cout << my_Obj.Name_string; 

  return 0;



Demo Code