In this tutorial you would learn about keywords and identifiers in C language. Which is basic concept of C language syntax.

C Keywords

Keywords are predefined and reserved words for C language. Compiler knows the meaning of these words.
All keywords are written in lowercase.
Here is list of all keywords in C.

List of All keywords in C
auto double int struct
break else long switch
case enum register  typedef
char extern return union
continue for signed void
do if static  while
default goto sizeof volatile
const float short unsigned

As mentioned earlier, all these keywords has some associated meaning with then which instructs the compiler what you want to do/convey to compiler. 

C Identifiers

Identifiers are name given to C constructs which are declared using C keywords.

Rules to write C identifiers 

  • It can contain only alphanumberic (a-z,A-Z,0-9) and underscore ( _ ) characters only
    Below are some valid identifier names.
    • number
    • _money
    • _student_
    • car1234
    • home321_
  • It can't start with digit.
    i.e. '9number' is invalid identifier
  • Identifiers are case sensitives.
    i.e. 'number' and 'Number' are two different identifiers 


int number;

Here we have declared variable 'number' of type integer.
'int' is keyword here whereas 'number' is identifier.

long value;

Here we have declared variable 'value' of type long integer.
'long' is keyword here whereas 'value' is identifier.

char ch10;

Here we have declared variable 'ch10' of type character.
'char' is keyword here whereas 'ch10' is identifier.


We recommend you to take a quiz on C Keywords and Identifiers to test and improve your understanding.