Break and continue in C

The break keyword allows the loop to terminate as soon as it is encountered in the loop, and the control will automatically goes to the first statement after the loop.
The break statement is used with decision making statement such as if...else.

Syntax of break statement:


Flowchart of break statement:

Flow char of break statement

Working of break statement:

Using while loop...

while (test case)
  // codes
  if (condition of break)
  // codes

Using for loop

for ( initialization , condition , update )
  // codes
  if (condition of break)
  // codes

Example of break… statement:

Continue statement:

Continue statement is exactly the opposite of break statement, instead of getting out of the loop like break  condition it forces the next iteration of the loop to be executed.
Syntax of continue:



Flowchart of continue statement:

Flow char of continue statement

Working of continue statement:
Using while loop...

while (test case)
  // codes
  if (condition of continue)
  // codes

Using for loop...

for ( initialisation , condition , update )
  // codes
  if (condition of continue)
  // codes

Example of continue statement: