Data types


We already introduced data types earlier in the variables section.

Here is an example of a code with all the data types used for revision purpose.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main () {

  // Creating variables
  int _Num = 5; // Integer 
  float _Float = 5.99; // Floating point number
  double _Double = 9.98; // Floating point number
  char _Char= 'G'; // Character
  bool _Bool = true; // Boolean
  string _String = "Namaste"; // String

  // Print variable values
  cout << "int: " << _Num << "\n";
  cout << "float: " << _Float << "\n";
  cout << "double: " << _Double<< "\n";
  cout << "char: " << _Letter << "\n";
  cout << "bool: " << _Bool << "\n";
  cout << "string: " << _String << "\n";

  return 0;


Space each data type occupies

Int - 4 bytes

Float - 4 bytes

Double - 8 bytes

Char - 1 byte

Bool – 1 byte


Note: Since string is a collection of characters it occupies the space equivalent to that of the addition of the space occupied by each character in that string.



What is the difference between float and Double?


Both of them differ in their size. Float occupies 4 bytes however double occupies 8 bytes. This implies they also differ in the precision they provide. The precision of float is only six decimal digits, while double variables have a precision of about 15 digits. Hence it is safer to use double unless you are concerned about how much memory is being occupied.