We have prepared example C program along with explanation about how program works. It will help you understand logic behind programming in simplest way. If you want to add any program which is not listed over here, write us through contact form. We will add your requested program with detailed explanation.

C Program to Print an Integer entered by user

C Program to add two numbers

C Program to multiply two numbers

C Program to find the factorial of any number using command line arguments

C Program to calculate average of numbers

C Program to find the transpose of matrix using command line arguments

C Program to print ASCII value of character

C Program to print quotient and remainder

C Program to print size of int, char, float, double

C Program to swap two numbers

C Program to check if number is odd or even

C Program to check if entered character is vowel or consonants 

C Program to find minimum numbers from entered numbers

C Program to find maximum numbers from entered numbers

C Program to check if given year is leap year or not

C Program to check if given character is digit or alphabet

C Program to reverse string entered from command line arguments

C Program to convert decimal number to binary number

C Program to convert decimal number to hexadecimal number

C Program to convert decimal number to octal number

C Program to convert binary number to decimal number

C Program to convert hexadecimal number to decimal number

C Program to convert octal number to decimal number

C Program to find factorial of number

C Program to find factorial of number with recursion

C Program to generate multiplication table

C Program to print fibonacci series

C Program to print fibonacci series with recursion

C Program to find GCD of two numbers

C Program to find LCM of two numbers

C Program to count number of digits in given number

C Program to reverse number

C Program to calculate power of number

C Program to check whether given number if prime number or not

C Program to check whether given number is armstrong number or not

C Program to display factors of number

C Program print pascal triangle

C Program to make simple calculator using switch case

C Program to add two matrix 

C Program to multiply two matrix

C Program to find transpose of matrix

C Program to count vowels, consonants, digits, special characters in given string

C Program to find length of string without using strlen()

C Program to copy string without using strcpy()

C Program to concatenate two strings without using strcat()

C Program to store student information using structure

C Program to compute the area and perimeter of a rectangle

C Program to add two vectors

C Program to add two complex numbers

C Program to read file and display content of file on screen

C Program to write content in file 

C Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation